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Joel W. Simmons is an Associate Professor in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service° and the Department of Government° at Georgetown University°. He received his PhD from the University of Michigan°. He researches political economy with emphases in economic growth, globalization, social policy, democracy, and the political economy of gender. His book, The Politics of Technological Progress: Parties, Time Horizons, and Long-term Economic Development°, was published by Cambridge University Press. 



  • Simmons, Joel W. 2016. The Politics of Technological Progress: Parties, Time Horizons and Long-term Economic Development. Cambridge University Press. (Amazon°)


  • Simmons, Joel W. and Analía Gómez Vidal. Forthcoming. "Can Female Legislators Reduce Corruption when Corruption is Self-Reinforcing?"

  • Simmons, Joel W. 2024. "Democracy and Economic Growth:Theoretical Debates and Empirical Contributions." World Politics.

  • Simmons, Joel W. 2023. "Segregated Economies in an Integrated World: The Gendered Consequences of Exchange Rate Movements in Low- and Middle-Income Countries." International Organization

  • Simmons, Joel W. 2023. "Corruption and Voter Turnout: Evidence from Second Generation Americans." Comparative Political Studies.

  • Conrad, Courtenay R., Kanisha D. Bond, Dylan Moses, and Joel W. Simmons. 2022. "Detecting Anomalies in Data on Government Violence" Political Science Research and Methods. 10(3): 634--641.

  • Simmons, Joel W. 2019. “Does Oil Substitute for Patriarchy?” Economics & Politics. 31(3): 293--322.

  • Simmons, Joel W. Allen Hicken, Ken Kollman, and Irfan Nooruddin. 2016. “Party System Structure and its Consequences for Foreign Direct Investment.” Party Politics. (PDF°; Blog Post°)

  • Hicken, Allen, Ken Kollman, and Joel W. Simmons. 2016. “Party System Nationalization and the Provision of Public Health Services.” Political Science Research and Methods. 4(3): 573–594. (PDF°

  • Simmons, Joel W. 2016. “Natural Resource Wealth and Women’s Economic and Political Power in the U.S. States.” Comparative Political Studies. 49(1): 115–152. (PDF°; Blog Post°)

  • Nooruddin, Irfan and Joel W. Simmons. 2015. “Do Voters Count? Turnout, Party Competition, and Public Spending in India.” Electoral Studies. 37: 1–14. (PDF°)

  • Nooruddin, Irfan and Joel W. Simmons. 2009. “Openness, Uncertainty, and Social Spending: Implications for the Globalization - Welfare State Debate.” International Studies Quarterly. 53(3): 841–866. (PDF°) 

  • Hicken, Allen and Joel W. Simmons. 2008. “The Personal Vote and the Efficacy of Education Spending.” American Journal of Political Science. 52(1): 109–124. (PDF°) 

  • Nooruddin, Irfan and Joel W. Simmons. 2006. “The Politics of Hard Choices: IMF Programs and Government Spending.” International Organization. 60(Fall): 1001–1033. (PDF°) 

Working Papers

Works in Progress

"Gender Discrimination in the Corruption Labor
Market: When Does Women’s Legislative Seat Share
Reduce Malfeasance?
" Under review 
"The Political Geography of Election Fraud: Theory and Evidence from Honduras" (with Irfan Nooruddin). In progress

"Why Doesn't More Education Reduce Protectionist Attitudes Among Black Americans?" In progress

"Resource Wealth, Citizen Engagement, and Corruption: Evidence from U.S. States and Counties"
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